2024 42. Figuerola B*, Ruiz-García D, Subías-Baratau A, Maceda-Veiga A, Sanchez-Vidal A, Barría C. 2024. Adapting to a pollution hotspot? Catsharks shift to plastic substrates for oviposition. Science of The Total Environment 955: 176998. ICM press release (Oct 2024).
41. Azcárate-García T*, Avila C, Figuerola B*. 2024. Skeletal magnesium content in Antarctic echinoderms along a latitudinal gradient. Marine Environmental Research 202: 106771.
40. Jossart Q, Lelièvre Y, Kelch A, Figuerola B, Moreau CVE, Di Franco D, Maxwell JM, Verheye ML, Mackenzie M, Downey RV, Rosenfeld S, Hourdez S, Saucède T. 2024. A first glimpse into the biogeographic affinities of the shallow benthic communities from the sub-Antarctic Crozet archipelago. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution12:1455329.
39. Piwoni-Piórewicz A, Liow HL, Krzemińska M, Chełchowski M, Iglikowska A, Ronco F, Mazurkiewicz M, Smith AM, Gordon D, Waeschenbach A, Najorka J, Figuerola B, Boonzaaier-Davids MK, Achilleos K, Mello H, Florence WK, Vieira LM, Ostrovsky AN, Shunatova N, Porter JS, Sokolover N, Cumming RL, Novosel M, O’Dea A, Lombardi C, Jain SS, Huang D, Kukliński P. 2024. Skeletal mineralogy of marine calcifying organisms shaped by seawater temperature and evolutionary history - a case study of cheilostome bryozoans. Global Ecology and Biogeography e13874.
38. Azcárate-García T*, Avila C, Figuerola B*. 2024.Skeletal Mg content in common echinoderm species from Deception and Livingston Islands (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) in the context of global change. Marine Pollution Bulletin 199: 115956.
2023 37. Kannan G, Mghili B, Di Martino E, Sanchez-Vidal A, Figuerola B*. 2023. Increasing risk of invasions by organisms on marine debris in the Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Bulletin 195:115469. ICM press release (Sep 2023), Eurekalert press release(Oct 2023).
36. Campanyà-Llovet N, Bates A, Cuvelier D, Giacomello E, Catarino D, Gooday AJ, Berning B, Figuerola B, [21 other authors] Colaço A. 2023. FUN Azores: A FUNctional trait database for the meio-, macro-, and megafauna from the Azores Marine Park (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1050268.
35. Pala N, Jiménez B, Roscales JL, Bertolino M, Baroni D, Figuerola B, Avila C, Corsolini S. 2023. First evidence of legacy chlorinated POPs bioaccumulation in Antarctic sponges from the Ross sea and the South Shetland Islands. Environmental Pollution 121661.
34. Jossart Q, Bauman D, Moreau C.VE , Saucède T, Christiansen H, Brasier MJ, Convey P, Downey R, Figuerola B, Martin P, Norenburg J, Rosenfeld S, Verheye M, Danis B. 2023.A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195: 514.
33. Figuerola B*, Griffiths H, Krzeminska M,Piwoni-Piorewicz A, Iglikowska A, Kuklinski P. 2023. Temperature as a likely driver shaping global patterns in mineralogical composition in bryozoans: Implications for marine calcifiers under Global Change. Ecography 06381. ICM press release, BAS press release (Nov 2022).
2022 32. Orr RJS, Di Martino E, Ramsfjell M, Gordon DP, Berning B, Chowdhury I, Craig A, Cumming RL, Figuerola B, [24 other authors], Liow LH. 2022. Paleozoic origins of cheilostome bryozoans and parental care inferred by a new genome-skimmed phylogeny. Science Advances 8, eabm7452. Press release on the scientific platform scientific news (SCIENCEDAILY, April 2022).
31. Subías-Baratau A, Sanchez-Vidal A, Di Martino E, Figuerola B*. 2022. Marine biofouling organisms on beached, buoyant and benthic plastic debris in the Catalan Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin175: 113405. UB press release (March 2022).
2021 30. Figuerola B*, Valiente N, Barbosa A, Brasier M, Colominas-Ciuró R, Convey, P, et al. 2021. Shifting perspectives in polar academic research: global lessons on the barriers and drivers for securing careers in natural sciences.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:777009. ICM press release (December 2021).
29. Figuerola B*, Grossman EL, Lucey N, Leonard ND, O'Dea A. 2021. Millennial-scale change on a Caribbean reef system that experiences hypoxia. Ecography 44(9): 1270-1282. Smithsonian press release (July 2021).
28. Brasier M, Barnes D, Bax N, Brandt A, Christianson A, Constable AJ, Downey R, Figuerola B, Griffiths H, Gutt J, Lockhart S, Morley SA, Post A, Van de Putte A, Saeedi H, Stark JS, Sumner M, Waller C. 2021. Responses of Southern Ocean seafloor habitats and communities to global environmental changes. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:622721.
27. Figuerola B*, Hancock AM, Bax N, Cummings V, Downey R, Griffiths H, Smith J, Stark JS. 2021. A review and meta-analysis of potential impacts of ocean acidification on marine calcifiers from the Southern Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:584445.
2020 26. Angulo-Preckler C, García-López E, Figuerola B, Avila C, Cid C. 2020. Natural chemical control of marine associated microbial communities by sessile Antarctic invertebrates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 85:197-210 .
25. Brasier MJ, McCormack S, Bax N, Caccavo JA, Cavan E, Ericson JA, Figuerola B, Hancock A, Halfter S, Hellessey N, Höfer J, Puskic PS, Soares de Oliveira C, Subramaniam RC, Wallis J, Weldrick CK. 2020. Overcoming the obstacles faced by early career researchers in marine science: lessons from the Marine Ecosystem Assessment of the Southern Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:692.
24. Avila C, Angulo-Preckler C, Martín-Martín RP, Figuerola B, Griffiths HJ, Waller CL. 2020. Invasive marine species discovered on non-native kelp rafts in the warmest Antarctic island. Scientific Reports10: 1639. UB Press release (January 2020).
2019 23. Figuerola B*, Avila C. 2019. The phylum Bryozoa as a promising source of anticancer drugs. Marine Drugs17(8):477.
22. Figuerola B*, Gore DB, Johnstone G, Stark JS. 2019. Spatio-temporal variation of skeletal Mg-calcite in Antarctic marine calcifiers. PLOS ONE14(5): e02120231. Press release on Science Trends (May 2019).
2018 21. Pagès-Escolà M, Hereu B, Garrabou J, Montero-Serra I, Gori A, Gómez-Gras D, Figuerola B, Linares C. 2018. Divergent responses to warming between two common co-occurrent Mediterranean bryozoans. Scientific Reports8:17455.
20. O'Dea A, De Gracia B, Figuerola B, Jagadeeshan S. 2018. Young species of cupuladriid bryozoans occupied new Caribbean habitats faster than old species. Scientific Reports 8:12168. Press release on the Smithsonian news (August 2018).
19. Angulo-Preckler C, Figuerola B, Núñez-Pons L, Moles J, Martín-Martín R, Rull-LLuch L, Gómez-Gareta A, Avila C. 2018. Macrobenthic patterns at the shallow marine waters in the caldera of the active volcano of Deception Island, Antarctica. Continental Shelf Research 157:20-21.
18. Figuerola B*, Gordon DP, Cristobo J. 2018. New deep Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) species from the Southwestern Atlantic: shedding light in the dark. Zootaxa4375 (2): 211-249. Press release on the scientific platform scientific news (SCIENCEDAILY, February 2018). One of the species described was qualified as one of the most amazing marine species discovered this same century by La Vanguardia newspaper
2017 17. Figuerola B*, Angulo-Preckler C, Núñez-Pons L, Moles J, Sala-Comorera L, García-Aljaro C, Blanch AR, Avila A. 2017. Experimental evidence of chemical defence mechanisms in Antarctic bryozoans.Marine Environmental Research129:68-75.
16. Figuerola B*, Kuklinski P, Carmona, F, Taylor PD. 2017. Evaluating potential factors influencing branch diameter and skeletal Mg-calcite using an Antarctic cyclostome bryozoan species. Hydrobiologia799:101-110.
15. Figuerola B*, Barnes DKA, Brickle P, Brewin PD. 2017. Bryozoan diversity around the Falkland and South Georgia Islands: Overcoming Antarctic barriers. Marine Environmental Research 126:81-94. Press release on the scientific platform scientific news (SCIENCEDAILY, March 2017).
2015 14. Figuerola B*, Kuklinski P, Taylor PD. 2015. Depth patterns in Antarctic bryozoan skeletal Mg/Ca: can they provide an analogue for future environmental changes? Marine Ecology Progress Series 540:109-120. Press release on the scientific platform scientific news (SCIENCEDAILY, May 2016).
13. Moles J, Núñez-Pons L, Taboada S, Figuerola B, Cristobo J, Avila C. 2015. Anti-predatory chemical defences in Antarctic benthic fauna. Marine Biology162: 1813–1821.
12. Moles J, Figuerola B, Campanyà-Llovet N, Monleón-Getino T, Taboada S, Avila C. 2015. Distribution patterns in Antarctic and Subantarctic echinoderms. Polar Biology 38: 799–813.
2014 11. Figuerola B*, Sala-Comorera L, Angulo-Preckler C, Vázquez J, Montes MJ, García-Aljaro C, Mercadé E, Blanch AR, Avila A. 2014. Antimicrobial activity of Antarctic bryozoans: an ecological perspective with potential for clinical applications. Marine Environmental Research 101: 52–9.
10. Figuerola B*, Gordon DP, Polonio V, Cristobo J, Avila C. 2014. Cheilostome bryozoan diversity from the southwest Atlantic region: is Antarctica really isolated? Journal of Sea Research 85: 1–17.
9. Figuerola B*, Núñez-Pons L, Monleón-Getino T, Avila C. 2014. Chemo-ecological interactions in Antarctic bryozoans. Polar Biology 37: 1017–1030.
2013 8. Figuerola B*, Núñez-Pons L, Moles J, Avila C. 2013. Feeding repellence in Antarctic bryozoans. Naturwissenschaften100: 1069–1081.
7. Figuerola B*, Taboada S, Monleón A, Vázquez J, Avila C. 2013. Cytotoxicity activity of Antarctic benthic organisms against the common urchin Sterechinus neumayeri.Oceanography1(2): 3–9.
6. Xavier JC, Barbosa A, Agusti S, Alonso-Sáez L, Alvito P, Ameneiro J, Avila C, Baeta A, Canário J, Carmona R, Catry P, Ceia F, Clark MS, Cristobo FJ, Cruz B, Duarte CM, Figuerola B, et al. 2013. Polar marine biology science in Portugal and Spain: Recent advances and future perspectives. Journal of Sea Research 83: 9–29.
5. Figuerola B*, Ballesteros M, Avila C. 2013. Description of a new species of Reteporella (Bryozoa Phidoloporidae) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) and possible functional morphology of avicularia. Acta Zoologica 94 (1): 66–73.
2012 4. Figuerola B*, Maceda-Veiga A, De Sostoa A. 2012. Assessing the effects of sewage effluents in a Mediterranean creek: fish population features and biotic indices. Hydrobiologia 694: 75–86.
3. Figuerola B*, Monleón-Getino T, Ballesteros M, Avila C. 2012. Spatial patterns and diversity of bryozoan communities from the Southern Ocean: South Shetland Islands, Bouvet Island and Eastern Weddell Sea. Systematics and Biodiversity 10 (1): 109–123.
2011 2. Andrés P, Mateos E, Tarrasón S, Cabrera C, Figuerola B. 2011. Effects of digested, composted, and thermally dried sewage sludge on soil microbiota and mesofauna. Applied Soil Ecology 48: 236–242.
1. Ballesteros M, Núñez-Pons L, Vázquez J, Cristobo FJ, Taboada S, Figuerola B, Avila C. 2011. Ecología química en el bentos antártico. Ecosistemas 20(1): 54–68.
Book chapters 4. Blázquez M, Arin L, Figuerola B. 2022. Productive ocean. In: Pelegrí J.L., Gili J.M., Martínez de Albéniz M.V. (eds.), The ocean we want: inclusive and transformative ocean science. Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC. Barcelona. digital.csic.es/handle/10261/255516
3. Pelejero C, Figuerola B, Calvo E. 2022. Ocean acidification: trends, effects and what we have left to learn. In: Pelegrí J.L., Gili J.M., Martínez de Albéniz M.V. (eds.), The ocean we want: inclusive and transformative ocean science. Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC. Barcelona. pp. 158-160. digital.csic.es/handle/10261/255553
2. Angulo-Preckler C, Castro-Fernandez F, Martín-Martín R, Figuerola B, Avila C. 2020. Chemical ecology in the Southern Ocean. In: Guido di Prisco, Howell GM Edwards, Josef Elster, Ad HL Huiskes, and (eds.). Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Edited by Cambridge University Press.
1. Figuerola B*, Núñez-Pons L, Vázquez J, Taboada S, Cristobo FJ, Ballesteros M, Avila C. 2012. Chemical interactions in Antarctic marine benthic ecosystems. In: A. Cruzado (ed.). Marine Ecosystems. Chapter 5. Edited by: In-Tech (open access), pp. 105–126
Published datasets -Piwoni-Piórewicz A, Liow HL, Krzemińska M, Chełchowski M, Iglikowska A, Ronco F, Mazurkiewicz M, Smith AM, Gordon D, Waeschenbach A, Najorka J, Figuerola B, Boonzaaier-Davids MK, Achilleos K, Mello H, Florence WK, Vieira LM, Ostrovsky AN, Shunatova N, Porter JS, Sokolover N, Cumming RL, Novosel M, O’Dea A, Lombardi C, Jain SS, Huang D, Kukliński P. (2024). Data from: Skeletal mineralogy of marine organisms shaped by seawater temperature and evolutionary history - a case study of cheilostome bryozoans [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.05qfttfb0
-Figuerola B, Griffiths H, Krzeminska M, Piwoni-Piorewicz A, Iglikowska A, Kuklinski P. (2023). Temperature as a likely driver shaping global patterns in mineralogical composition in bryozoans: Implications for marine calcifiers under Global Change [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.bvq83bkbm
-Campanyà-Llovet N, Bates A, Cuvelier D, Giacomello E, Catarino D, Gooday AJ, Berning B, Figuerola B, Malaquias M, Moura C, Xavier JR, Sutton TT, Fauconnet L, Ramalho SP, Neves B, Menezes GM, Horton T, Gebruk A, Minin KV, Bried J, Molodtsova T, Silva MA, Dilma A, Kremenetskaya A, Costa E, Clarke J, Martins HR, Pham CK, Carreiro-Silva M, Colaço A. (2023): FUN Azores: A trait database for the marine species of the ridges, seamounts, and hydrothermal vents of the Azores Marine Park, NE Atlantic. PANGAEA. https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.955357
-Linares C, Figuerola L, Gómez-Gras D, Pagès-Escolà M, Olvera A, Aubach A, Amate R, Figuerola B, Kersting D, Ledoux JB, López-Sanz A, López-Sendino P, Medrano A, Garrabou J. 2020. CorMedNet- Distribution and demographic data of habitat-forming invertebrate species from Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages between 1882 and 2019. https://doi.org/10.14284/467